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Virginia, United States
I'm a College Student, English major, who is starting his successful career by freelance writing. This is one of the many activities I do to gain skills and experience. Hit me up: rules45 at yahoo dot com

Monday, December 21, 2009

Journal Entry #1

So my friends were talking to me about how bad it was snowing last weekend, I was like "what kind of loser talks about the weather", what's next? are you gonna tell me about the dream you had last night, or show me some pictures you took to your dog?
I knew how bad the weather was 'cause I was there, it was so unnecessary to bring it up. We got like fifteen inches of snow, it got to my knee and I thought I was a tall guy.
They even uploaded them videos to YouTube, since I guess got nothing better to do.
What was really funny thought were the outcomes. They got an iPod, the new one that shoots video and got some footage of their ruthless and pointless walk to Shoppers in the middle of the storm. As long as I can tell it was fun and I'm definitely gonna take a walk next time it snows.
I am an Apple Fan, myself I have an iTouch and an iPod. I don't have a Mac 'cause they are way too expensive and I'm an out-of-state student who gots to pay for tution, so that isn't really a choice. I have a mini computer, a netbook I got on Black Friday for $230... Quite cheap... Back top the Apple topic, the things that new iPod can do are crazy, not really, but the video shooting is pretty cool, especially when you don't carry a camera around but would like to save those moments of spontaneous random fun.... of course you gotta make sure you know how to use the features:
I know...
But now here are the two good shots they got, and it's not really due to anything but the convenience of the tiny built-in camera and spontaneity from young people.

After checking this out I highly recommend you guys to get the new iPod, 'cause the benefits you can get out of it are great. And I don't work for Apple, I am just an enthusiast...


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